Should you start a career or enter a university at 18

It goes without saying that education plays a very important role in our life. However, many people after finishing school choose a career instead of studying at a university.

Should you start a career or enter a university at 18

In fact, both choices have their pros and cons. When one starts working at 18, he is able to gain experience that can help in further life. Earning a living is also quite important aspect of the early career. When you get your own money, you also get freedom and independence. You’re able even to start a family, if you want.

But nobody can deny that education one can get at a university can change person’s life entirely. You’re too young at 18. You have a lot of time to start a family or become independent. But if you are going to get your education later, you’ll see that you’ve made a mistake. You can graduate from a university at 38, but your career probably won’t be so successful it could be. In addition, while studying at a university you constantly meet new people. It can help you in your future life or business. What’s more, along with studying you can find a particular job to gain some experience and earn a living.

If you are sure that it is a wise decision, you can even start a family. Clever partner will only support your intention to get a good education.
Anyway, there are many situations and every person trusts his or her own judgment. I’d say that it isn’t important whether to start a career or enter a university at 18. Every decision has disadvantages. But the thing is to be sure what you want to do to find your place in the world.
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Article "Should you start a career or enter a university at 18", published 05.01.2018 13:45, It is categorized Music and has a 4 113 views.
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