Ihor хостинг под угрозой: обращение MAROSNET

Обращение представителей компании «MAROSNET», разосланное клиентам по электронной почте.

Dear clients of Ihor Hosting.

marosnet данные о местонахождении компании We hurry to inform you urgent news!

At this moment, by administration of «IQ-Park» an attempted raider seizure of the company "MAROSNET". Under the pretext of imaginary debts, the administration of the IQ-Park platform is illegally trying to influence on our business for its own selfish purposes. Administration has taken such measures as blocking the access of company employees to the infrastructure, as well as turning off the power in order to complicate and suspend the work of Ihor Hosting. Currently, the administration has begun the illegal retention of our employees in the territory.

At the moment, the infrastructure is powered by diesel generator fuel. It is possible that in the nearest time there can be a shutdown and subsequent downtime. Our possibility of refueling engines is blocked. We urge all of our clients to share this information and make backups!

In the possibility that the situation with the administration of a platform won’t be solved, we will make all possible efforts and resources to transfer all the equipment and resume work as quickly as possible. All procedures will be carried out as safely as possible.

We sincerely apologize for the situation, at the moment our entire company is doing everything possible to find a way out of this situation! We very much count on your support and understanding! We will keep you informed of all the events taking place, all information will be published in our social networks and on the company website.
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Article "Ihor хостинг под угрозой: обращение MAROSNET", published 07.02.2019 13:06, It is categorized Music and has a 1 158 views.
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